Wick N Vape promises to always look forward and bring the highest quality products to the market, with customers’ satisfaction being their number one goal.
In 2014, when mech mods and drippers were the newest trend in vaping, RDAs and coils were hand built. Cotton balls from the local pharmacy were used as wicks. Sean realised that boiling the cotton balls and unrolling them to dry not only tasted a lot cleaner when vaping but also created the iconic wavy cotton known as the original 'cotton bacon'. With no other alternative on the market Nick and Sean launched the business Wick n Vape with a vision to create the finest vapers cotton wick. The prototype was not perfect. Cotton manufacturers were approached, scientists and engineers were hired and alterations occurred until the original Cotton Bacon was released. However, the taste was still not ideal. Further refinement was undertaken by the duo until the cotton was tasteless so the consumer could enjoy their chosen e-juice in its entirety. When vaping trends altered to include squonking, the faster absorbing Cotton Bacon PRIME was released in 2018.
Wick N Vape promises to always look forward and bring the highest quality products to the market, with customers’ satisfaction being their number one goal.