Lost Vape
Vape in luxury with Lost Vape
In 2014, the vape industry was an open market, inviting an adventurous group of avid vapers and entrepreneurs to develop game changing devices with innovation and a unique vision. Rocky Guo was one of those innovators, and he established Lost Vape - a new brand of unique, high-end devices, designed with functionality, beauty, and ease of use in mind.
Lost Vape is the world's leading innovator and manufacturer of electronic cigarette and all sorts of advanced personal vaporizers. Devoted to providing alternatives to tobacco smoking via its state-of-art and easy-to-use advanced personal vaporizers. Lost Vapes electronic cigarettes primarily use the evolv DNA chipset. Each device comes as a high-end form factor from the internals to the design. Notable devices from Lost Vape are the Triade, Paranormal, Drone and the amazing Orion DNA Go.
“Action Secundum Fidei” (We act according to our beliefs)
Lost Vape believes every product they design is a unique embodiment of a person’s identity and values, Lost Vape’s goal is to deliver an unprecedented user experience to every customer, and to let those values shine through their products. Driven by their passion, they have evolved from trend-followers to trend-setters.