Atomizer (Tank)

Atomizers are specifically designed for particular use.


The atomizer or tank, is the top part of a vape. The role of the atomizer is to heat the e-juice to the point it will evaporate and produce a vapour. Parts include coils and wick made with wire, mesh, ceramic and/or cotton, glass to hold e-juice, airflow adjuster, drip tip etc. There are a variety of different atomizers designed for particular kinds of vaping including sub ohm, dripping, RDA, RTA, RDTA and squonking.


The atomizer comes in many sizes, larger tanks offer less frequent refilling while smaller tanks allow the consumer greater control over personal use. Options include:


Sub-Ohm Tank - The resistance of a coil used in the atomizers is defined in ohms (amount of current coil will allow to pass through). A coil resistance of less than 1 ohm, is called sub-ohm vaping.


NRG Tank – Large tank to produce increased cloud when used (cloud chasing)


Squonk – Mod with a built-in squeeze bottle to feed e-liquid into an atomizer. In essence the bottle is the tank. Extreme cloud creation occurs.


Rebuildable Atomizer (RBA) – The ultimate customisation of e-cigarettes. Coils are built by the individual. The coil and wick are attached to a vape system. Initially RBA was essential to achieve high-perfomance systems. Rebuildable Tank Atomizer (RTA), Rebuildable Drip Atomizers (RDA) and Rebuildable Drip Tank Atomizer (RBDTA) are examples of RBA systems.


RTA – Tank system of RBA.


RDA – Dripper system of RBA. Greater cloud chasing occurs with RDA.


RDTA – RTA with RDA performance. It has a cyclonic airflow design and liquid feed.